CPCNH Foundation Documents

The following is a list of the critical founding documents that established CPCNH and specify the legal relationship between the organization and its member communities. Included in the list are Overview documents – slide decks that explain at a high level the detailed legal documents; a business plan; initial year budget; and a technical assessment of the viability of CPCNH’s business plan under various scenarios. Those marked with a * are the key legal documents that must be approved by each Town government in order to establish CPCNH as the default power provider.

  1. * CPCNH Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) -- is a contract among municipal and county members establishing the Agency, and guaranteeing that the Financial liabilities & obligations of Agency are “firewalled” from municipal general funds. [Town council approved 9/27/2021]
  2. * Durham Community Power Electric Aggregation Plan -- details how the Community Power program will operate and comply with state legal requirements, and defines the program goals and objectives for the community. [Town Council approved 10/3/2022]
  3. * CPCNH Cost Sharing Agreement and Member Services Contract – details the Fair and proportional cost sharing among Members, and establishes the “Menu of Services” that CPCNH will implement for Members.
  4. Overview of CPCNH Cost Sharing Agreement and Member Services Contract – presentation slides explaining the above document.
  5. * CPCNH Risks, Rates, and Reserves Policies -- Identifies and manages the risks of procuring and hedging the power supply portfolio; how to accrue reserve funds to satisfy financial obligations; and how to set rates based on CPCNH financial data, energy positions, Member objectives and market considerations.
  6. Overview of CPCNH Risk, Rates, and Reserves Policies -- presentation slides explaining the above document.
  7. * CPCNH Data Security and Privacy Policy -- defines the specific goals, requirements, and controls necessary to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of confidential individual customer information.
  8. CPCNH Draft Business Plan -- explains the business model and strategic objectives of CPCNH; summarizes member recruitment activities; explains the agency’s anticipated financing, accounting, risk management, and credit enhancement mechanisms; and analyzes the current regulated market structure and parameters within which CPCNH and its Member Community Power Aggregation (CPA) programs may compete.
  9. CPCNH 2023 Approved Budget
  10. CPCNH Technical Assessment by Ascend Analytics -- Ascend conducted numerous scenarios, stress tests, and stochastic analysis on all anticipated outcomes of reasonable probability, in order to verify the viability of the CPCNH business model.

For yet more information about CPCNH, see their webpage https://www.cpcnh.org/about.