End of Year Reporting – Transparency in Policing

Durham Police Officers

Transparency Between Law Enforcement and the Community We Serve:  Each January, the police Captain prepares a summary analysis of all incidents involving force; internal affairs; pursuits; bias; and our efforts related to our hiring process, just to name a few.  The reports document the departments conduct during the preceding calendar year and are submitted for review by the Chief of Police. The submitted reports are a requirement of the CALEA accreditation process that embraces “best practices” in the law enforcement industry. While it may seem like a normal and logical analysis that every police department documents their conduct, this is not the case. Often police agencies may have solid policy in place but often do not adhere to them, leaving the department and the community it serves at risk. The following is a breakdown of several reports the police department makes available to the community to maintain a level of transparency and trust that is vital for citizens to remain confident in the police officers that serve them every day.