Chapter 71: Horses on Town Trails

Municipal Code: 
Chapter 071: Horses on Town Trails


[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Durham through Ordinance #2020-12 dated  September 14, 2020]

No person shall ride a horse on any property owned by the Town of Durham

71.1     Authority

This ordinance has been enacted pursuant to the authority granted the Durham Town Council by NH RSA 41:11-a (Town Property), which allows the Durham Town Council to adopt ordinances to regulate the use of Town owned lands.

71.2     Purpose and Intent

A.  To prevent potential conflict of the pedestrian users of Town property that may result from horseback riding at these locations.

B.  To prevent damage to Town property including, trails, parking areas, wetlands, activity areas and other improvements such as bridges designed for pedestrians, thereby reducing the cost to the taxpayers of Durham for operating and managing these facilities.

C.  To prevent soil erosion, damage to vegetation and turf, and other injury to the environment.

D.  To limit the Town’s exposure to liability for any injuries that might result from the act of horseback riding on Town property.

E.   Such prohibitions shall not include:

The use of horses in the harvesting of trees on Town owned property if approved by the Town of Durham

71.3     Definitions

“Town-owned Land” shall mean any and all land acquired by the Town of Durham whether by purchase, gift, tax deeding, or any other means in accordance with the laws of the State of NH, which may include but not be limited to recreational facilities and sports fields.

71.4     Penalties

The penalty for the violation of this ordinance shall be a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each instance.