Chapter 51: Durham Public Library Board of Trustees Authority to Accept Personal Property

Municipal Code: 
Chapter 051: Durham Public Library Board of Trustees Authority to Accept Personal Property


51-1.  Authority.

A.  The Town Council of the Town of Durham is invested with all powers conferred upon and may discharge all the duties conferred upon Town Councils, Town Meetings, Boards of Mayor and Alderman and Selectmen of Towns by law.

B.  The Town Council of the Town of Durham pursuant to RSA 202-A:4-d authorizes the Durham Public Library Board of Trustees to accept gifts of personal property, other than money, which may be offered to the library for any public purpose, and such authorization shall remain in effect until rescinded by vote of Town Council of the Town of Durham; and

C.  No acceptance of any personal property under the authority of this ordinance shall be deemed to bind the Town or the Durham Public Library Board of Trustees to raise, appropriate, or expend any public funds for the operation, maintenance, repair, or replacement of such personal property,

D.  The Town of Durham, through the Town Council authorizes the Durham Public Library Board of Trustees to accept gifts of personal property, other than money, with such authorization to remain in effect until rescinded by vote of the Town Council of the Town of Durham.