Article 01: Incorporation; Town Form of Government; Power

Municipal Code: 
Town Charter


Sec. 1.1.        Incorporation.

The inhabitants of the Town of Durham shall continue to be a body politic and corporate under the name of the "Town of Durham" and as such to enjoy all the rights, immunities, powers and privileges and be subject to all the duties and liabilities now appertaining to or incumbent upon them as a municipal corporation. All existing property of the town shall remain vested in it, and all its existing debts and obligations shall remain obligatory upon it under this Charter.

Sec. 1.2.        Town Form of Government.

The administration of the fiscal, prudential, municipal and other affairs of the town, with the governance thereof, shall be vested in a Town Council, shall be directed by a Town Administrator and shall consist of the various departments of the town as established by this Charter and from time to time by the Town Council. Except as expressly authorized by this Charter, no Councilor shall participate in the conduct of the administrative affairs of the town.

Sec. 1.3.        Construction.

A.  The powers of the municipality under this Charter are to be construed liberally in favor of      the town, and the specific mention of particular powers is not intended to limit in any way         the general powers of the municipality as stated in 1.1.

B.  Any word in this Charter which may be construed to be either masculine or feminine gender shall be considered gender-free.

Sec. 1.4.        Intergovernmental Relations.

Subject only to express limitations in the provisions of the New Hampshire statutes, the town may exercise any of its powers or perform any of its functions under this Charter and may participate in the financing thereof, jointly or in cooperation, by contract or otherwise, with the State of New Hampshire or any political subdivision or agency thereof or the United States of America or any agency thereof.