Article 01: General Provisions

Municipal Code: 
Chapter 050: Durham Public Library Board of Trustees Authority to Accept and Expend Unanticipated Funds


50-1.  Purpose and Intent.

The Town of Durham adopts the provisions of NH RSA 202-A:4-c authorizing indefinitely, until specific rescission of such authority, the Durham Board of Library Trustees to apply for, accept and spend, without further action by the Town Council, unanticipated money from a state, federal or other governmental unit or a private source which becomes available during the fiscal year.  Such money shall be used only for legal purposes for which a Town may appropriate money.

50-2.  Procedure.

The Durham Public Library Board of Trustees shall hold a prior public hearing on the action to be taken.  Notice of the time, place, and subject of such hearing shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the Town of Durham at least 7 days before the hearing is held.

50-3.  Authority.

The Town of Durham, through the Town Council authorizes the Durham Public Library Board of Trustees to apply for, to accept and spend, without further action by the Town Council, unanticipated money from a state, federal or other governmental unit or a private source which becomes available during the fiscal year. Such money shall be used only for legal purposes for which a Town may appropriate money.