Chapter 097: Plumbing Code and Regulations

Article 01: Plumbing Code & Regulations


97-1.  Purpose.

The purpose of these regulations is to provide practical safeguards for sanitation to protect the public health against inadequate, defective or unsanitary plumbing

Article 02: Plumbing Code & Regulations


97-6.  Permit required.

It shall be unlawful to alter, remove, demolish or install any components of water distribution systems or sanitary waste disposal systems in the Town of Du

Article 03: Plumbing Code & Regulations


97-18.        Code Enforcement Officer responsibilities.

The Code Enforcement Officer shall be responsible for the performance of the duties listed in

Article 04: Plumbing Code & Regulations


97-20.        Violations.

Upon any well founded information that this Ordinance is being violated, the Town Administrator shall, on the advice of the