Integrated Waste Management Advisory Committee

Durham's Recycle Truck


IWMAC, as it is most commonly referred to, is comprised of representatives from the Town Council, the Oyster River Cooperative School District Sustainability Committee, the Town Public Works Department and interested community members.  Committee members meet once a month in order to hear updates about recent Town policy or ordinance changes, be informed of upcoming sustainability events and programs, to hear presentations from companies or agencies, to discuss issues and developments relating to issues such as recycling, composting and landfill waste, and to develop publications relating to such issues.


The Committee strives to be open, inclusive, and respectful of the diverse interests. The purpose of the IWMAC is to: 

  • Develop goals, policies, and procedures that could be proposed to the Town Council, public works department, or other community organizations to improve sustainability efforts.
  • Comment on and assist in the development of the town ordinances that support the most cost effective and sustainable practices in regards to waste management.
  • Recommend and coordinate the implementation of waste and disposal reduction programs.  We are always looking for new members, interested community members are welcome to attend our regular meetings.