Stanley Reczek - Public Library Board of Trustee

Stanley Reczek - Library Trustee Candidate

STANLEY RECZEK - Library Board of Trustee
11 Fellows Lane


B.S. physics and M. Ed. physics


Retired health care executive and college educator

Years as Durham Resident:  3 years

Previous Service on Governmental/Community/Civic Boards:

Brief service as alternate DPL trustee (eff. 10/2020)

Relevant governance experience includes service and leadership positions with a private secondary school board, NFP health care organization boards, and as a member of church vestry and senior warden.  Also enjoyed brief service with Friends of DPL and continue as a member of the Friends.

Resume submitted last fall, as I sought appointment as an alternate DPL trustee. 

Reason for Interest in Running for Elected Office:

I fundamentally believe in the important role of the public library in promoting and advancing the well-being of our community -- which results in my interest in serving and advancing its mission.  It is my hope that previous professional experiences and skills can effectively support library governance and operations.

Additional Background Information:

None provided