Michael H. (Mike) Everngam - Trustees of the Trust Funds

Michael H. (Mike) Everngam - Trustees of Trust Funds

MICHAEL H. (MIKE) EVERNGAM - Trustees of the Trust Funds
49 Emerson Road




Retired consultant in school/municipal finance and management

Years as Durham Resident:  

Since 1979, which will be 42 years this summer.  My family came to Durham when I was assigned to the UNH Army ROTC Department, our 14th move in 18 years.  We love Durham for its opportunities, its location, and its quality of life, and perhaps most of all for the stability and serenity we have found here.  Serving on a Town committee or in a Town office is one way to make a small repayment for the quality of life Durham has given us.

Previous Service on Governmental/Community/Civic Boards: 

Town Moderator (8 years); Election Official/Assistant Moderator (12 years); Member and former Chair, Integrated Waste Management Advisory Committee (3 years); Member and Chair, Trustees of Trust Funds (9 Years); Member, Cemetery Committee (9 years).

Reason for Interest in Running for Elected Office:

My background includes 15 years as a school business administrator, 12 of which were in the Oyster River Co-Op, and 17 years as a consultant in municipal financial management, including extensive experience in evaluating internal controls and loss prevention programs. The knowledge of municipal finance and best business practice that I have gained over the last 30 years have equipped me to serve well as one of the managers of Durham’s capital reserve funds and trust funds.  I enjoy the work of the Trustees and believe that I can continue to make a real contribution to good governance in Town by continuing to serve as a Trustee.

Additional background information

I believe that the purpose of Town government is good governance.  Good governance requires vision, experience, knowledge, understanding of the community, and a well developed sense of proportion.  One of the most important characteristics of good governance is a commitment to looking forward to see what the future could, or might, or likely will, hold for the Town – this commitment is really the only defense the Town has from unforeseen or unintended consequences from its own actions. An inherent responsibility of all office holders is a commitment to careful, thoroughly detailed thinking.  This thinking must especially focus on multiple “what-if ? analyses” of potential outcomes, and an early warning of potential road blocks discovered during planning, The Town cannot be governed effectively unless each of the Town’s Boards, Committees, and Commissions actively communicates its considered outlook on Town issues, plans and initiatives with other bodies. I believe that my background and experience demonstrate that I am well prepared to help the Town achieve excellence in governance.