
Fire Prevention Permits can be obtained by stopping by the Fire Station, Monday through Friday, 0800 to 1600 hours. You may also download an application and fee schedule using the links below or have it faxed, mailed or emailed to you by calling (603) 862-1426.

  • Maintenance Permits: Fire Alarm / Sprinkler / Standpipe / Suppression
  • Installations: Fire Alarm / LP or Oil Tank / Gas or Oil Burner
  • Blasting
  • Pyrotechnic / Commercial Fireworks

If you are looking for information on Burn Permits, click this link: Brush and Outdoor Burning Information

If you need an Assembly, Haunted House or an Open Flame Permit please call the Fire Station at 603-862-1426 to schedule time to meet with the Prevention Bureau.

For information on the fees associated with permits, see page 3 on the Town Wide Fee Schedule

For more information on the Town of Durham Fire Prevention Codes: Town of Durham Fire Prevention Codes