Town Codified Ordinances Now Available on the Website

The Town of Durham New Hampshire

Over the past two years, DCAT Coordinator Craig Stevens has been working toward placing all of the Town's ordinances (contained in the Durham Town Code) on the Town website.

The Town Code is the end product of the process of research, review, revision, and organization of the Town's local laws and ordinances into a comprehensive document. A codification must be formally adopted in order to establish it as a permanent and practical system of municipal law as required by Durham's Charter.

Durham’s Code was formally adopted by the Town Council on March 1, 1999. The major benefit of a codification is convenient access to information. Having an accurate, up-to-date representation of municipal law enables town officials to answer questions from citizens quickly and accurately.

Craig spent many hours in-between his other responsibilities to accomplish this very labor intensive and time consuming project. We are pleased to announce that the Town's codified ordinances are now available on-line, referenced as the "Town of Durham Code", and located under "Helpful Resources" on the website's home page.

Thank you to Craig for the time and effort he devoted to accomplish this long-awaited project!