From: Karen Edwards Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2016 8:28 AM To: Karen Edwards Subject: FW: Mill Plaza From: Annmarie Harris [] Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2016 4:10 PM To: Karen Edwards Cc: Michael Behrendt Subject: re: Mill Plaza June 1, 2016 To: Andrew Corrow and members of the Planning Board As a 40+ year resident of Durham and a former member of various Town Boards I offer the following observations: Redevelopment of the Mill Plaza may be of benefit to the community depending on the rearrangement of buildings on the site. Location of commercial space and student housing will determine community support. The principle business that draws everyone to the Mill Plaza is our grocery store, therefore its location should be the priority. Durham’s small town character is being eroded by over-building student housing in the town center. Student life styles are not compatible with existing residential neighborhoods regardless of well-intentioned management. Therefore adding even more student housing may be undesirable. Any housing units intended for students should be located as close as possible to campus in the northwest quadrant and away from existing neighborhoods . A parking garage should be a high priority for redevelopment. It could be built into the hill with the possibility of an access from Main Street through one of the properties where currently there are outdated buildings. The UNH Transportation Policy Committee and Town goal for a walk-able community should be considered. Any parking plan should address effective circulation for emergency vehicles, delivery trucks, etc. Safety for children and adults that walk from adjacent neighborhoods through the plaza must be given special consideration. Noise and lights from activity in the plaza at night negatively impacts the quality of life and the value of homes in adjacent neighborhoods. Commercial uses that cause noise and intrusive lighting should be avoided and residential uses should be located as far as possible from Chesley Drive and Faculty Road. Residential units for mature adults should be included in the proposal, possibly in a separate building near the brook. Respect for the natural environment that separates the plaza from existing neighborhoods should be in the plan including snow removal. We have high hopes for a plan that will “dazzle” and will therefore be worthy of support from the citizens of Durham. Your effort and consideration will be appreciated. Sincerely, Annmarie Harris 56 Oyster River Road Durham, NH 03824