December 11, 2009




Tonight at sundown begins the eight-day celebration of Hanukkah, also called the Festival of Lights. Hanukkah will continue through sundown on December 19th.


Rental Housing Commission

The Rental Housing Commission (RHC) met on Tuesday of this week to discuss ongoing concerns associated primarily with non-owner occupied single family homes that have been converted to student rentals within Durham's traditional downtown pocket neighborhoods.  At the meeting, members of the public presented the Commission with a request from a newly formed group, the Durham Residential Owners Association, requesting that the RHC endorse a number of recommendations which can be viewed by clicking HERE


In response to increased concern from residents within neighborhoods impacted by student housing, the Administrator has authorized bringing on a part-time, temporary individual to assist Code Enforcement Officer Tom Johnson with zoning enforcement revolving around occupancy within non-owner occupied single family rentals leading up to the holidays and resuming once again upon the start of the Spring UNH semester.


Residents with concerns associated with student rentals revolving around suspected over-occupancy, improperly parked cars on private property, and trash/health violations should contact the Code Enforcement Office at 868-8064.  Residents concerned about noise, parties, fights, underage alcohol/drug use, intoxicated individuals, or cars parked in no-parking areas should contact the Durham Police Department at 868-2324.  Individuals concerned with fire or safety violations should contact the Durham Fire Department at 868-5531. 


The RHC will hold its next work session on Tuesday, December 15, 2009. 


H1N1 (Swine) Flu Clinic in Durham Set for December 17th

H1N1 flu (commonly referred to as the Swine Flu) vaccination clinics will be occurring in three locations throughout Strafford County during the week of December 14, 2009 to include the Oyster River High School.  All healthy individuals 6 months – 24 years and adults 25 – 64 years with underlying medical conditions are eligible to attend. Information on H1N1 influenza and the vaccine can be found at www.nh.gov/h1n1www.flu.gov and www.cdc.gov/h1n1flu/parents.  If you have questions about the H1N1 influenza or the vaccine, contact your physician or NH 211 by dialing 2-1-1 or 866-444-4211.


Somersworth High School, 12/14/09 2:30 – 7:30 PM

Oyster River High School, 12/17/09, 2:30 – 7:30 PM

Farmington High School, 12/20/09, 9 AM – 2 PM



                                                Courtesy David Cedarholm


Spruce Hole Well Development Update

Emery & Garrett Groundwater, Inc. (EGGI), Durham's hydrological consultant, has completed exploratory test well drilling for the groundwater development and artificial recharge assessment program being conducted in the Spruce Hole area of Durham.  The purpose of the exploratory drilling has been to determine if a hydrologically favorable site for the development of a public water supply production well could be found on Town-owned property within the Town of Durham or Lee near the existing test 1993 University of New Hampshire test well site (UNH-1 site) established many years ago within the boundaries of the Durham gravel pit abutting the Spruce Hole several feet into the Town of Lee.  EGGI's exploratory drilling included the installation of three, 3-inch-diameter test wells in the Town of Durham and one, 3-inch-diameter test well in the Town of Lee (within the Durham gravel pit).  Preliminary testing indicated that of these four exploratory wells, the original UNH-1 test site was hydrologically most suitable for developing the groundwater capacity required by the Durham/UNH Water System.  Ultimately, the final well site location for the Durham/UNH production well will be predicated on hydrogeology, infrastructure considerations, and property suitability.  Based upon EGGI's analysis and recommendations, we are moving forward at this time with the installation of the new production well at the original UNH-1 location in preparation for pumping tests and final permitting through the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services.  Once the production well is in place and we have additional data to share concerning recharge, etc., we'll be providing a presentation to the Town Council on findings and next steps.


Turkey/Ham Baskets for Town Staff

In an effort to say "thank you" for all that the members of the Town of Durham's staff do for the citizens of the community, we have again made arrangements with the Durham Marketplace to provide every regular employee of the Town with a 10-14 pound holiday turkey or an 8-11 pound spiral ham.  Staff members who desire may also donate their turkey/ham basket to a local food pantry.  This is the second year we have instituted this program in an effort to acknowledge the efforts of Durham employees for their hard work and dedication to the community.


2010 Budget Process Update

As part of the FY 2010 budget development process, Administrator Selig has proposed a 2010 General Fund budget totaling $10,324,489.00, a decrease of $82,211.00, or (.8%) compared to FY 2009.  The FY 2010 budget represents the second consecutive year of a recommended spending decrease.  Due to a significant drop in state revenues, interest earnings, motor vehicle registrations, recycling revenues, and Parking Fund proceeds, non-property tax revenues are expected to again fall in FY 2010.  Revenue projections do include the infusion of an annual $200,000 payment from UNH to Durham which began in 2009 to compensate the community for the University’s financial impact upon Durham in areas such as roadways, traffic, and policing services.  These factors cumulatively resulted in a decrease in non-property tax revenues from $4,672,953.00 in FY 2009 to $4,556,314.00 in 2010, a drop of $116,639.00 or (2.5%).  Taking into account diminished revenues, a nearly flat tax base, maintaining $125,000.00 in Overlay due to the number of outstanding 2008 property tax abatement appeals pending with the Board of Tax and Land Appeals/Superior Court, no use of fund balance, and recommended expenditure reductions, Administrator Selig's proposal is projected leave the estimated 2010 local municipal tax rate unchanged at $6.52.


Following the Council's public hearing on the FY 2010 budget, considerable discussion has occurred revolving around items that have been included, as well as projects/staffing that has been excluded, from the Administrator's proposal.  At Monday evening's Council meeting, the Council discussed and informally provided direction to the Administrator to bring back budget changes for formal Council consideration and action at the December 21st Council meeting.  These include:

In accordance with the Town Charter, "the budget shall be adopted not later than the last workday of the preceding fiscal year . . ..  Failure by the Council to adopt a budget by the deadline established . . . will establish the budget as recommended by the Administrator as the adopted budget."


Durham Town OfficES Holiday Closing Schedule

Thursday, December 24, 2009       -           Closed for Christmas Eve

Friday, December 25, 2009            -           Closed for Christmas Day

Thursday, December 31, 2009       -           All Town Offices Closed at 3:00 PM


All Town offices will reopen for regular business on Monday, January 4, 2010.



Thursday, December 24, 2009       -           Closed for Christmas Eve

Friday, December 25, 2009            -           Closed for Christmas Eve

Saturday, December 26, 2009        -           CLOSED

Friday, January 1, 2010                   -           Closed for New Years Day


Christmas Holiday Recycling and Refuse Collection

There will be NO CHANGE TO REFUSE AND RECYCLING COLLECTION on Thursday, December 24th (Christmas Eve). There will be NO COLLECTION OF COMMERCIAL recycling on Friday, December 25th (Christmas Day) or Friday, January 1st (New Years Day). The TRANSFER STATION WILL BE CLOSED ON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26th.



Please follow these basic tips in caring for a fresh cut Christmas tree:

§         Cut ¼-inch off the trunk.

§         Keep the trunk in water at all times.

§         Keep away from heat sources.

§         Recycle after the holidays.


For additional important tips, visit www.realchristmastrees.org.


Theft Incident

The Durham Police Department is investigating the theft of tools from a home under construction in the Bagdad Road neighborhood over the weekend of 12/4 to 12/7.  The Police Department would encourage anyone who may have witnessed anything suspicious during this time frame to contact the police department at 868-2324.  While a sad commentary, we would also remind residents to lock their homes and vehicles.  Remember, if you note activity that you believe to be suspicious, please call the police department via 911 or 868-2324 so that the officers can address the situation.  While it may ultimately be explainable, just to have the officer in the area is beneficial.


You are the role model

When it comes to drugs and alcohol, parents are their children’s strongest role model and greatest influence. Your children will eventually adopt many of your values and behaviors, just as you have been influenced by your parents. Your children notice and respond to the way you deal with problems, express feelings, celebrate special occasions….and use alcohol and drugs.  As a parent, it is impossible to not be a model. Your children will see your example—positive or negative—as a pattern for the way life is to be lived.  Families are both a very important protective factor and risk factor influencing drug use problems among youth. In other words, what you do—or do not do—has a big impact on your child’s decisions about using or not using drugs.



The following public meeting is scheduled for the coming week in the Town Council chambers at the Durham Town Office. To view the agenda for the meeting listed below, please click HERE.  All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing. 


Rental Housing Commission – Tuesday, December 15, 2009 (4:00 PM)


Oyster River School Board meeting schedule, please click HERE

Durham Public Library Board of Trustees meeting schedule, please click HERE.

DCAT Programming Schedule, please click HERE



§         Saturday, December 12, 2009, 7:00 – 8:30 PM, Churchill Rink:  Holiday Carol Free Skate. Bring the entire family for a free skating event featuring sounds of favorite holiday carols and free refreshments.

§         Tuesday January 5, 2009:  A free class of On The Ball! Come to the P&R Building at 5:30 PM for a free class.  If you like it, join one of the three 6-week sessions starting in January. 

§         Monday, January 11th & Thursday, January 14th: Tai Chi Begins. Preregistration is required for the AM and PM class. 

§         Monday, January 11, 2010, 5:00 PM:  Monday Evening Yoga.  Preregistration is required for this 8-week yoga session taught by Ruth Abelmann.

§         Thursday, January 14, 2010, 5:30 – 6:30 PM:  Thursday Evening Yoga. Preregistration is required for this 8-week yoga session taught by Judy George.

§         Thursdays in February & March, 4:00 – 5:00 PM: After School Fit Camp. This fun, active after school fitness program will never have a dull moment. 

§         Zumba – Pilates – Bootcamp.  Durham Parks & Recreation Department is now offering classes taught by Kathy Kerrigan. 


You can sign up for P&R classes at the P&R office, 2 Dover Road, or at the Town Clerk’s Office located in Town Hall. Contact Michael Mengers at 817-4074, mmengers@ci.durham.nh.us, for more information or to register. Follow the Town of Durham Parks & Recreation Department on Facebook. Search “Town of Durham Parks”. 


Display Your Art at Parks & Rec:  The new P&R Activities Room has bare walls!  If you would like to display your art work, photography or other art medium on the walls, please contact P&R Director Michael Mengers at 817-4074, mmengers@ci.durham.nh.us. Art work can be returned to the owner at their request. 



§         Three Chimneys Inn is collecting new mittens, gloves, or hats for children and adults that will be donated to local families in need.  Bring in items now until December 22, 2009 and place them on our Mitten Tree in the Ffrost Sawyer Tavern.  Warm up a pair of hands, and we will warm up yours with a coffee, hot chocolate, or soup as our thank you for your kind donation!

§         Three Chimneys Inn, New Years Eve Overnight Celebration. Click HERE to view menu. Packages start at $220. Stay two or more nights and enjoy a lower rate.

§         Fresh Cut Local Christmas Trees. Durham Boy Scout Troop 154 will again be selling fresh-cut local Christmas trees.  Trees will be on sale each Saturday & Sunday throughout December until they sell out.  All trees come from a farm in Farmington NH, loaded with the assistance of the Scouts. 

§         Thursday, February 11 and Thursday, April 8, 2010: Cultural Excursions to the Boston Symphony Orchestra Open Rehearsals. Sponsored by the UNH University Office of Sustainability. The cost of $48 per person per performance includes one BSO performance ticket and round trip bus transportation from Durham to Boston. All performances will be at 10:30 AM. The bus departs from the Community Church of Durham at 7:00 AM. Following the performance, the bus drops participants off at the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) and departs the MFA at 3:30 PM. The bus arrives back in Durham at approximately 5:00 PM. For program details, and online registration please go to:  https://www.events.unh.edu/RegistrationForm.pm?event_id=6253. For more information, please call Kate Donald, UOS Cultural Excursions Coordinator, 603-862-1634.


Weekly Police Arrest Report


Week – 19

10 UNH (53%)

9 Other (47%)

*2009/10 Academic Year – 527

328 UNH (62%)  

190 Other (48%)

Calendar Year – 1073

625 UNH (58%)      

448 Other (42%)

*Commenced September 1, 2009 


Historical data for the same week

This data represents the 2009/10 Academic year report which begins anew each August

when UNH students begin arriving in Durham.


















Academic Year






Calendar Year








“1968 – A swan arrived on the Mill Pond, was christened Alice and became the pet of the town. A mate, Hamilton, was obtained. Broods of cygnets have been produced but only one survived. Flying to Portsmouth for open winter water, they have always returned for Town Meeting day.”


Have a good weekend.




Todd I. Selig, Administrator
Town of Durham
15 Newmarket Road
Durham, New Hampshire 03824
Tel (603) 868-5571
Fax (603) 868-5572


The Town of Durham has developed a list server. The server provides interested individuals with updates and announcements concerning the community. Individuals interested in subscribing should send an email to Town_of_Durham@ci.durham.nh.us and type the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line