October 16, 2009




Courtesy Larry Harris


Town Councilor Diana Carroll addresses a crowd of approximately 60 attendees during the dedication of the Milne Remembrance Stone on Saturday, October 12th.



We have received input from several residents that the “Friday Updates” have become too lengthy making it increasingly difficult to read through its contents. With that in mind, this week we are changing the format of the updates, using instead only an introductory sentence or short paragraph and referring the reader (if they desire more information) to links that may be indicated as either “click here”, or noted within the introduction of an item. We hope that you will find this new format easier to navigate through and would appreciate receiving your feedback to determine whether or not we will continue using this format for future updates.


2009 Tax Rate (Unofficial) Set

On Thursday morning of this week, Business Manager Gail Jablonski traveled to the N.H. Department of Revenue Administration in Concord to set the Town of Durham's 2009 Tax Rate (Unofficial).  Until the Department of Revenue formally sends the Town notice of the rate it is still deemed "unofficial" but will likely be the rate which the Tax Collector's Office utilizes to produce the 2009 Tax Bill for Durham property owners.



2008 Tax Rate

2009 Tax Rate


$ Difference

% of Total Tax Rate









$  .15


Local School



$  .37


State School




67.33% [total school]




$  .33 /1.24% increase



The Town reduced General Fund expenditures by approximately $100,000 in FY 2009 in order to keep the projected 2009 Town-portion of the tax rate stable. Unfortunately, FY 2009 revenues are lower than anticipated by approximately $200,000 due to downshifted costs from the State of New Hampshire and the falling off of motor vehicle registrations as residents have chosen not to purchase new, more expensive vehicles.  Consequently, the Town utilized $210,000 in unreserved fund balance to maintain the desired 0% tax rate impact on the Town side of the tax bill. This reduces Durham's unreserved General Fund balance to $742,075.



On Thursday, October 15, 2009, the University System of New Hampshire Board of Trustees unanimously ratified a Municipal Services Agreement with the Town of Durham in which the University will pay the Town $200,000 per year to offset the costs associated with roadways, traffic control, and policing services within the community. On Monday, October 19, 2009, the Durham Town Council will be asked by the Administrator to act on the agreement. To read the New Hampshire Union Leader article regarding this item, please click HERE.


Durham Public Design Workshop for Downtown, November 5 through 9

The consultants hired by the Town to review the Central Business District Zoning and help with strategic planning for our commercial core will hold a public design workshop to invite both formal and informal public input. Professional facilitators will guide the public and design team through this process. To view a complete schedule for the workshop, please click HERE or contact Town Planner Jim Campbell, 868-8064, jcampbell@ci.durham.nh.us with questions.


Churchill Rink at Jackson’s Landing

The rink is scheduled to open on Monday, October 19, 2009. Visitors will notice several changes to the rink that the Department of Public Works staff has worked on throughout the summer and fall, including: a new entrance way, a new scoreboard, new doors, new bleachers, and an extensive amount of fresh paint. To view the 2009/10 skating schedule, click HERE, or contact the Department of Public Works at 868-5578 with questions.


Madbury Road

In response to several concerns regarding speed and safety issues along Madbury Road and at the Edgewood Road intersection, the Department of Public Works has designed changes to the corridor that will occur in the near future, including: updating the high intensity speed limit signs, replacing the existing stops signs with larger more reflective signs, and trimming of brush in the immediate stop sign area to increase visibility.  “Stop Ahead” symbols will also be painted on the roadway to better identify the intersection. 



Fall Cleanup will begin on Monday, November 9, 2009.  All items must be out by 7:00 AM that day and fit the criteria to guarantee their pickup.  Please follow these GUIDELINES to guarantee a successful fall cleanup or contact the Department of Public Works, 868-5578, for more information.



The National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) 211 “Solid Fuel-Burning Appliances” lists the requirements for safe wood stove installations.

The following links, (WOODSTOVE CLEARANCES), (CLEARANCE REDUCTION TABLE), and (CHIMNEY INSPECTION) illustrate the dimensional criteria necessary for safe installation and the requirements for proper chimney inspections. For additional information or questions regarding woodstove safety, please contact Brendan Sullivan at the Durham Fire Department, 858-5531, bsullivan@ci.durham.nh.us.


More conversation about drugs and parents

No one thinks their child will become a drug addict. But almost everyone knows someone whose child has become addicted to alcohol or other drugs.  To view some tips for parents, please click HERE.


Weekly Police Arrest Report

Week – 115

61-UNH (53%)

54-Other (47%)

*2009/10 Academic Year – 389

242-UNH (62%)

147-Other (38%)

Calendar Year – 935

539-UNH (58%)

395-Other (42%)

*Commenced September 1, 2009 


Historical data for the same week

This data represents the 2009/10 Academic year report which begins

anew each August when UNH students begin arriving in Durham.













Academic Year






Calendar Year








§         Sunday, October 18, 2009, 12:00 noon-2:00 PM, Oyster River Middle School Athletic Field: Pickup Ultimate Frisbee

Enjoy a relaxed, family-friendly game of pickup ultimate Frisbee.  Bring a light and dark colored shirt.

§         Monday, October 19, 2009, 5:00 PM, Durham Courthouse building, activities room:  Monday Evening Yoga.

§         Wednesday, October 28, 2009, 5:30 PM, Durham Courthouse building, activities room: Tai Chi for Free!

§         Saturday, October 31, 2009, 5:30-7:30 PM, Jackson’s Landing:  Durham Spookfest


Contact Michael Mengers at 817-4074, mmengers@ci.durham.nh.us, for more information or to register. Follow the Town of Durham Parks & Recreation Department on Facebook.  Search “Town of Durham Parks”. 






§         Sunday, October 18, 2009, 11:30 AM-12:30 PM, Community Church of Durham“Parents Talking About…”. For more information, contact  Bryn Burns, brynb07@comcast.net, 603-868-1230.

§         Saturday, October 24, 2009, 5:00-7:00 PM, Young’s Restaurant:  “On a Mission to Wipe Out Blood Cancers”. For more information, contact Alyson Mueller, alyson.mueller@comcast.net, 603-978-6944.

§         Sunday, October 25, 2009, 3:00 PM, Durham Public Library:  Active Retirement Association Memorial Fund and River Run Bookstore are hosting a book event on Sunday, October 25, 2009 at 3:00 P.M. For more information, contact Beverly Johnson, bhjohnson@comcast.net.

§         Friday, October 30, 2009, 5:00-7:30 PM:  Durham Trick-or-Treating



“1955 – The Oyster River Cooperative School District was formed, combining the schools of Durham, Lee, and Madbury. By 1956 all pupils, kindergarten through grade 12, were housed and no longer did local students have to go out of town to high school. Present enrollment is 1776, with 86 teachers.”


Have a nice weekend.




Todd I. Selig, Administrator
Town of Durham
15 Newmarket Road
Durham, New Hampshire 03824
Tel (603) 868-5571
Fax (603) 868-5572


The Town of Durham has developed a list server. The server provides interested individuals with updates and announcements concerning the community. Individuals interested in subscribing should send an email to Town_of_Durham@ci.durham.nh.us and type the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line