July 24, 2009



Courtesy Andrea Bodo


Promotional Film of Durham NOW ON TOWN WEB SITE

The Town of Durham'Bs promotional video is now available for viewing on the Town web site, www.ci.durham.nh.us. To view the video, click on the icon on the left side of the Home page, then press the play button when the video is displayed. To view the video in full screen mode, click on the icon next to the word "vimeo".


The promotional film is intended for widespread distribution in order to more effectively market all of the wonderful attributes present within our community situated along the banks of the Oyster River and the Great Bay. The film focuses on four key areas:  Durham's History, Durham's Recreation/Culture, Durham's Education, and Durham's Businesses/Downtown. In addition to including it as an integral part of the Town's existing and soon to be re-launched web site later this summer, we also plan to air it on DCAT-Channel 22, provide copies to local realtors for marketing purposes and business interested in relocating to Durham, as well as to the N.H. Department of Resources and Economic Development for business development. 


Dover Road Wastewater Pump Station Referendum

On August 3, 2009 the Town Council will hold a public hearing on a bond referendum to approve applying for a low interest loan through the NH State Revolving Loan Fund for the rehabilitation of the Dover Road Wastewater Pump Station in the amount of $1,231,055. The Town has received a Federal stimulus grant from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act covering half the $1,231,055 project cost or approximately $615,000.  The Town Charter currently requires a referendum vote for any bond or loan exceeding $1,000,000.


The existing Dover Road Pump Station is the small brick building that sits between Dover Road (Route 108) and the Oyster River near the outlet of Beards Creek. It was built in 1964 and operates 24 hours per day and 7 days per week continuously pumping virtually all of Durham'Bs wastewater to the Wastewater Treatment Plant. On average the pump station conveys 1.2 million gallons per day (MGD) of wastewater and up to 7 MGD during heavy rain storms. This pump station is one of the most critical pieces of infrastructure in the Town's wastewater system.  It still contains the three original 50 horse power pumps which all been rebuilt several times each. The building has a number of operational issues, including a leaky flat roof, outdated electrical controls, poor ventilation, and a wet well almost impossible to maintain. The pumps are located in dank basement area with restricted access.  The rehabilitation project is proposed to include the construction of a new submersible wastewater pump station with a self cleaning trench style wet well located underground and immediately next to the existing building. The existing building will house the new electrical controls and is slated to receive a more architecturally interesting (and functional) gabled roof.   By locating the new pump station on the same site it will allow the existing pump station to continue to operate uninterrupted throughout the project.



At its regular meeting scheduled for Monday, August 3, 2009, beginning at 7:00 PM, the Durham Town Council will vote to schedule a Special Election Bond Referendum to be held on Tuesday, August 18, 2009, for the purpose of bonding $1,231.055 for the Dover Road Pump Station Rehabilitation Project; said funds to be raised through the State Revolving Loan Fund and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Funds and approve the following proposed language to be placed on the election ballot:


"Are you in favor of bonding $1,231,055 for long-term debt for the Dover Road Pump Station Rehabilitation Project to improve equipment deficiencies and other operational problems, and of authorizing the issuance of not more than $1,231,055 of bonds or notes; said funds to be raised through the State Revolving Loan Fund and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Funds, in accordance with the provisions of the municipal finance act, RSA Chapter 33?"    YES _____ NO  _____


Following these actions, the Council will hold two Public Hearings on the Dover Road Pump Station Rehabilitation Project Special Election Bond Referendum. One Public Hearing will satisfy the requirements of the Durham Town Charter, Section 5.12 (A). The second Public Hearing will satisfy the requirements of RSA 33:8a. The Public Hearings will be held in the Council Chambers at Town Hall, 15 Newmarket Road.


Interested citizens are invited to attend the public hearings and to express their views. Questions concerning the Dover Road Pump Station Rehabilitation Project Special Election Bond Referendum should be directed to Business Manager Gail Jablonski at 868-8043, gjablonski@ci.durham.nh.us. The Town of Durham needs 48 hours notice if special communication aids are required. Written comments will be accepted until 5:00 PM on Friday, July 31, 2009 at the Town Administrator's office. Comments may also be sent by electronic mail to:  jberry@ci.durham.nh.us.


Wiswall Bridge Closure Begins on Monday, July 27, 2009

In preparation for the start of the Wiswall Road Bridge Replacement Project, the Town of Durham Department of Public Works will be closing off public access across the Lamprey River via the Wiswall Road Bridge beginning at 8:00 AM on Monday, July 27, 2009.  Construction of the new bridge will take approximately one year, and during that time the traffic on Wiswall Road will be open to local traffic only and the public will not be allowed to access the bridge. The Wiswall Road bridge was permanently damaged during the Mother's Day Flood of 2006. A detour will be established to reroute traffic coming from the east in a north/south direction on Packers Falls Road, and traffic coming from the west will be rerouted north/south on Lee Hook Road in the Town of Lee. Arrangements have been made with the Lee Fire Department and McGregor EMS to assist with emergency services to the temporarily disconnected Durham residents west of the Lamprey River as needed.  Please contact Town Engineer Dave Cedarholm, 868-5578, dcedarholm@ci.durham.nh.us with questions or additional information about the bridge project, or Assistant Fire Chief Jason Cleary 862-1426, jcleary@ci.durham.nh.us concerning emergency services.


N.E.Center to Close

The New England Center (NEC) at the University of New Hampshire will close on June 30, 2010. According to UNH officials, the action is necessary for several reasons: the downturn in the economy has aggravated an already challenging financial situation; there is increased competition from other hotel/conference facilities in the Seacoast; and there are no available funds for necessary capital repairs and upgrades.  To view the story on line go to http://www.seacoastonline.com/articles/20090723-BIZ-907230394.  The New England Center was designed by William Pereira, who built the Transamerica Pyramid in San Francisco, and was built in 1969 with a grant from the Kellogg Foundation.


Do You Enjoy the "Friday Updates"?

If you enjoy the weekly "Friday Updates" list server broadcast, spread the word!  We rely on word of mouth to let people know of its existence.  Please tell people who might benefit from the publication to visit this link and fill out the form to sign up.  Or visit the Town's web site at www.ci.durham.nh.us to view the "Friday Updates" on line.


Kaizen in Durham

The Town is continuing its efforts to introduce Kaizen (‰ü‘P, Japanese for "improvement") into the municipal workplace here in Durham.  Kaizen is a Japanese philosophy that focuses on continuous improvement throughout all aspects of life. When applied to the workplace, Kaizen activities continually improve all functions of a business, from manufacturing to management, and from the CEO to front line staff.  This approach takes the perspective that no matter how well a process works, it can always be made more efficient.  By improving standardized activities and processes, Kaizen aims to eliminate waste and improve efficiency.


Earlier this year, our Durham payroll Kaizen team was able to enhance efficiencies within the weekly payroll process. Staff at the Fire Department and within the Code Enforcement Office are presently working to consolidate permits utilized, enhance collaboration between the departments, and make the general permit process more user friendly for residents, property owners, and contractors alike.  In addition, Each bi-monthly Durham department head meeting now begins with a Kaizen-based exercise identifying a municipal process or function to evaluate for potential improvement. 


The Town has received an invitation from the Maine Department of Transportation (MDOT) to meet with representatives from MDOT to discuss Kaizen efforts under way there.  We have tentatively set aside August 21st as an in-service date for our department heads to meet with representatives from MDOT in Augusta, Maine


Appreciation is extended to resident Jerry Gottsacker for his assistance in this effort.



Economic Revitalization (ER-Z) Zone Application SUBMITTED

On May 18, 2009, the Town Council adopted its goals for 2009/10. One goal related to moving forward with efforts to increase taxable value and social capital in the Central Business District and downtown commercial core.

Representatives from the Town have researched possible programs and incentives that may be available in order to move this goal forward. One such program, the New Hampshire Economic Revitalization Zone Program, managed by the New Hampshire Department of Resource and Economic Development (DRED), allows the creation of Economic Revitalization Zones (ER-Z) and provides state tax incentives for ER-Z projects which are available to qualifying new and existing businesses in the state. The program encourages ER-Z projects that meet certain state economic objectives, such as stimulating economic redevelopment, expanding the commercial and industrial base, creating new jobs, reducing sprawl, increasing tax revenue, and remediating Brownfields sites. The primary goal of the program is to increase the quality of ER-Z projects which will contribute to the economic vitality of the state.

At the July 20, 2009 Town Council meeting, Councilors discussed this initiative and authorized Administrator Selig move forward with an application to include four zones within Durham's commercial core that would be included in the application:  the Central Business (CB) district, Professional Office (PO) district, Church Hill (CH) district, and Courthouse (C) district.

Durham Historic Building - Possible Future Use FOR PARKS & RECREATION

The Durham District Court, located on the first floor of the Durham Historic Building at the corner of Newmarket and Dover Road, has now officially moved all operations to Dover.  As such, the Administrator is presently working to find a suitable and productive use for the first floor of the facility.   At this time, the Administrator is considering the idea of utilizing the first floor of the facility to house Durham's emerging Parks and Recreation Department as well as potentially the offices for the Oyster River Youth Association (ORYA).  Such a match would bring together two programs with obvious synergies into one space allowing for collaboration and partnership to benefit the entire community.  Mr. Selig walked through the building this week with representatives from ORYA and with Mr. Michael Mengers who has been selected as Durham's new part-time Parks and Recreation Director to evaluate whether the building would meet this need.  The Durham Historic Association occupies the second floor of the facility.  For more information about the Durham Historic Association, go to http://ci.durham.nh.us/COMMUNITY/historic/dha.html


Parks and Recreation Director Candidate Selected

After reviewing 44 applications for the Durham's new part-time, 20 hr/wk Parks and Recreation Director position, we are pleased to announce the selection of Mr. Michael Mengers.  Members of the selection committee introduced Mr. Mengers to the full Parks and Recreation Committee last evening.  On August 3rd, Todd Selig will formally appoint Mr. Mengers to the position subject to the "advice and consent" of the Town Council. To view Mr. Mengers' resume, please click HERE.


Jackson's Landing Open House

On Sunday, July 26, 2009, beginning at 2:00 PM, the Town will host an Open House at the new and improved Jackson's Landing. The Piscataqua Gundalow Company will be bringing the Gundalow to the landing to celebrate the Oyster River.  There will be music and tours.  All are invited and encouraged to check out the landing and the Gundalow. For more information, please click HERE.


This past Wednesday saw a very good turnout at the UNH Outdoor pool for the Swim under the Lights event, co-sponsored by Durham Parks & Recreation and UNH Recreation.  Thanks to all who took advantage of the fantastic UNH outdoor pool!  Please join members of the Durham Parks and Recreation Committee at our fourth "Thursday Night Park Picnic" for townspeople this summer.  Every other Thursday, a location has been selected where people can bring a picnic and any games, etc., they would like to play or share. The next picnic location will be at Woodridge Park on August 6. The wonderful playing fields will be available for a variety of games, as well as the tennis courts, skateboard park, and a fantastic playground. Games such as volleyball will also be set up in advance, but feel free to bring your favorites along as well.  It is intended to be a very casual event, with no specified times or requirements beyond getting together after 5:00 PM and meeting more of the members of our great community.  Come alone or in groups and join in the fun. Please contact the Parks & Recreation Committee at durhamparksandrec@yahoo.com with any questions or suggestions for other locations you would like to see utilized for these gatherings. Given the venue, consider the event canceled if it is raining.  Hope to see you there!



On Thursday, July 30, 2009, beginning at 7:00 PM, a new film about Lyme Disease and other tick-borne illnesses, "Under Our Skin", will be shown at the Music Hall in Portsmouth.  The U.S. Centers for Disease Control reports that New Hampshire has the third highest incidence of Lyme Disease in the nation. Following the film there will be a panel discussion and an opportunity for questions. Experts on the panel are:


Dr. Alan Eaton, PhD – UNH Entomologist – Focus on tick mapping and prevalence in the Seacoast; also preventative strategies.

Dr. Richard French, DVM, PhD Director, NH Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory – Focus on other pathogens prevalent in local ticks.

Dr. Bernard Raxlen, MD – Lyme Resource Medical, PC, New York - Focus on the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme Disease and coinfections. Dr. Eva Sapi – New Haven University, Molecular Biology – Focus on the latest research on the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme Disease.



The following public meeting is scheduled for the coming week in the Town Council chambers at the Durham Town Office and will begin at 7:00 PM unless otherwise indicated below.


Zoning Board of Adjustment – Tuesday, July 28, 2009


To view the agenda for the meeting listed above, please click HERE.  All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing. 


To view the Oyster River School Board meeting schedule, please click HERE


The Durham Public Library Board of Trustees meet every third Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM at the Durham Public Library.  All are welcome to attend. To view the Trustees meeting schedule, please click HERE.


The Friends of the Durham Public Library is a non-profit group of volunteers from the community who are passionate about the Library and all it has to offer our town.  Friends meet every third Wednesday of the month at 1:30 PM at the Durham Public Library. 



To view a listing of the DCAT programming schedule, please click HERE 


Durham Energy Committee Summer Series

The Durham Energy Summer Series presents: "The End of Suburbia", a film about oil depletion and the collapse of the American Dream. This film will be shown at the Durham Public Library on Wednesday, July 29, 2009 at 7:00 PM.



boat tours of the Great Bay Estuary

The Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership (PREP) is conducting boat tours of the Great Bay Estuary for Planning Board Members, Conservation Commissioners, and other municipal planning officials of the 52 coastal watershed communities in the PREP Focus Area.


Participants will learn about the Great Bay Estuary from researchers and conservation professionals who will discuss current projects, technical assistance programs, and funding opportunities for coastal watershed communities.  The free, 4-hour boat tour leaves and returns to the University of New Hampshire pier in New Castle, NH. One guest may accompany invitees (children must be over 8 years old). 


Go to http://www.nhep.unh.edu/vip_reg.htm, to register.  Note that the registration deadline for either tour is one week before tour date.  Space is limited (typically, the tours fill up very quickly – so register early).



On Tuesday, July 28, 2009 beginning at 7:00 PM, the Oyster River Youth Association will hold a football "Meet and Greet" night at The Inn at Sprucewood, 25 Worthen Road. Come meet the coordinator and coaches of the new football program. Open to all families. To register for the football program, please Click here.



"1923 – N.H. College functioned as a single administrative unit. However, the variety of subjects being taught and the size of the school required a fundamental reorganization. A university pattern was adopted, wit separate colleges for Agriculture, Liberal Arts, Technology and Graduate School."


Have a nice weekend.




Todd I. Selig, Administrator
Town of Durham
15 Newmarket Road
Durham, New Hampshire 03824
Tel (603) 868-5571
Fax (603) 868-5572


The Town of Durham has developed a list server. The server provides interested individuals with updates and announcements concerning the community. Individuals interested in subscribing should send an email to Town_of_Durham@ci.durham.nh.us and type the word SUBSCRIBE in the subject line