Friday, February 13, 2009




Because tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, it seemed appropriate to feature lovebirds for this week’s “Friday Updates” photograph. Lovebirds are native to Africa, except the Grey-headed lovebird, which comes from the island of Madagascar.



Although many organizations will be closed in observance of President’s Day on Monday, February 16th, the Town offices will NOT be closed. Therefore, no change will be made to the refuse and recycling collection.  Residents are reminded to please have all items out by 7:00 AM as regularly scheduled. 



The Town Election will be held on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM at the Oyster River High School. This year, in addition to voting on elected offices, voters will be asked to vote two Charter amendments.


The first amendment, pertaining to Article 7 “Conduct of Officials”, Section 7.1 (C), proposes to strike current language that requires an elected official who is presently holding another elected or appointed position to immediately forfeit the office he/she held prior to such election. New Hampshire Supreme Court case Town of Hooksett v. Baines, 148 N.H. 625 (2002) precludes communities from imposing term limits on elected offices or imposing qualifications for elected offices.  Since the language in Section 7.1(C) of the Durham Town Charter is not enforceable and has not been practiced, it should be removed to avoid confusion in the future.


The second amendment, pertaining to Article 9 “Town Report”, Section 9.1, proposes to strike the current word “delivered” and replace it with the word “available”. In doing so, this will eliminate the current process of mailing annual Town Reports to individual property owners, resulting in a cost-savings to the Town. Instead, copies of annual Town Reports would be available at the Town Offices and the Durham Public Library as well as on the Town web site. The two amendments, as they will appear on the March 10, 2009 Town Election ballot, are as follows:


Strikethrough: Indicates language to be removed from the Charter.

Underline:           Indicates language to be added to the Charter.


Article 7 “Conduct of Officials”, Section 7.1 (C)

Sec. 7.1. Conditions for holding office.

A.   Any person while in town office convicted of a Class A felony in New Hampshire or its equivalent under the law of any other state or federal law shall forfeit such office.

B.   No full-time or regular employee of the town shall be eligible to serve as a Councilor.

C.  Any person elected to a town office or trusteeship while presently holding another such town office, board membership, commission membership or trusteeship shall immediately forfeit the office he held prior to such election.

  C.D.    Except as otherwise provided by this Charter, no department head nor regular employee of the town shall be appointed to a town office, board, membership, commission membership or trusteeship. They may, however, serve as advisors to such boards, committees or commissions.

  D.E. The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall not have any members who also serve on the Planning Board, Conservation Commission or Historic District Commission.


Reason for proposed change: New Hampshire Supreme Court case Town of Hooksett V. Baines, 148 N.H. 625 (2002) precludes communities from imposing term limits on elected offices or imposing qualifications for elected offices.  Since the language in Section 7.1 (C) of the Durham Town Charter is not enforceable and has not been practiced; it should be removed to avoid confusion in the future.



Article 9 “Town Report”, Section 9.1

Sec. 9.1.  Town Report. Each year, the Town Administrator shall prepare a Town Report which shall include:  (1) a statement of the past year's financial activities and a comparative statement of the previous and present budget; and (2) a review of all major Council actions, including a summary of ordinances enacted; and (3) Town vital statistics. There shall be a section which presents any actions which are in progress or pending before town boards or departments and the Town Council. The effective date of the Report shall be the end of the fiscal year, and the Report shall be delivered available to the voters of the town not later than February 15 of each year.


Reason for proposed change: To eliminate the process of mailing annual Town Reports to individual property owners, resulting in a cost-savings to the Town. Instead, copies of annual Town Reports would be available at the Town Offices and the Durham Public Library as well as on the Town web site.


Candidate PROFILEs for Town Elected Offices

Citizens interested in learning more about the prospective candidates who have signed up to run for various Town elected offices in March will be able to view each candidate’s profile. Be looking in next week’s “Friday Updates” for a link in which to view this information.  Profiles will also be posted on the Town’s web site the end of next week.


Durham Business Association TO SPONSOR Candidates FORUM

On Tuesday, February 17, 2009, beginning at 7:00 PM, a DBA Candidates Forum for Town Council and Library Trustee candidates will be held in the Council chambers of the Town Hall located at 15 Newmarket Road. The forums are being planned and hosted by the Durham Business Association (www.durhambusinessassociation.org), moderated by Town Moderator, Chris Regan, and will be broadcast live on the Durham Cable Access Television (DCAT) channel, Channel 22.


The public is invited to submit questions, via email, for Town Council and Library Trustee candidates who are running for these elected offices at the March 10, 2009 Town Election. Because of the difficulties that have been encountered with the switch-over from Verizon to FairPoint, questions should be submitted to: Johannaknight@comcast.net Please Note:  The Durham Business Association is a 501 (c) (6) nonprofit and does not promote or endorse any specific political candidates.



On Tuesday, February 17, 2009, beginning at 7:00 PM, the Oyster River Cooperative School District will sponsor a Candidates Night for the district moderator and school board candidates in the Multipurpose Room at the High School. A snow date has been set for Wednesday, February 18th. Refreshments will be served. The public is invited to attend the forum, which will be taped for future rebroadcast on Durham’s cable channel, Channel 22. Interested citizens may send questions to wdifruscio@orcsd.org, due by noon on February 16th, or call 868-5100, extension 20.



On Tuesday, March 3, 2009, beginning at 7:00 PM, the Durham Neighborhoods Alliance (DNA) will sponsor a Town Council Candidates Forum in the Town Council chambers of the Town Hall located at 15 Newmarket Road. The forum will be moderated by Mimi Becker, an associate professor of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy at UNH. Mimi has extensive experience with facilitation and mediation. The forum will address a broad range of issues affecting the Durham community. The public is invited to attend or watch the forum on Channel 22. Interested citizens may send questions to CitizensExchange@comcast.net, due by February 18.



Department of Public Works staff has been working with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) over the last several weeks finalizing the reports for reimbursement from the December ice storm.  An additional part of the report will be brush collection scheduled for the last week of April/ first week of May in which residents will be able to bring any leftover brush from the storm out to the curbside.  More information will be coming in regard to this brush cleanup. 



On Friday, February 20, 2009, beginning at 7:00 PM, the public is invited to attend an informational meeting relative to the Main Street West project to be held in the Council chambers at the Town Hall, 15 Newmarket Road. This project is scheduled to include roadway reconstruction/resurfacing and development of sidewalks/multi-use path and bicycle lanes along Main Street (west of the rail tracks) and NH Route 155A approaching UNH campus and downtown. The project will create safe bike and walking routes from campus to the West Edge neighborhood. Construction is scheduled to start in late May 2008. The estimated $850,000 project will be 80% USDOT-funded through the Enhancements Program. UNH and Durham will split the local match. For more information, please visit the project website at:

www.unh.edu/ecd/designmainstwest.html  The meeting will be taped for future rebroadcast on Durham’s cable channel, Channel 22.


Economic Stimulus

The Durham Public Works staff has been initiating pre-application forms for water, wastewater, and stormwater projects that have been identified by the Town as applicable for the economic stimulus package, which it is hoping to get placed in the queue as early as possible. 



Most of us have probably noticed that occasionally red lights at intersections have a small Light Emitting Diode (LED) strobe in the center of them. In Durham’s case, there is one located at the intersection of Route 4 and Backriver Road. LED strobes are typically installed at  traffic signal locations where the stop condition may not be expected, or where other roadside conditions may distract a driver's attention away from the traffic signals. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) have received many complaints related to the possibility of the strobe frequencies triggering an existing seizure disorder.  FHWA has determined, based on research over a number of years, that there is no measurable safety benefit to having these devices at intersections, that they may even increase crashes. The NHDOT is aware that there are a handful of these devices on state traffic signals and will be ordering them removed through normal maintenance activity as soon as possible.



The Planning Board met on Wednesday, February 11, 2009, and held public hearings on a Site Plan Review Application and a Conditional Use Application for Peter Murphy to demolish an existing structure at 22 Rosemary Lane and build a new structure housing four (4) dwelling units.  After closing the hearings, the Board deliberated on the applications and eventually approved them.  The Board also accepted a minor two-lot subdivision application for Thomas Moriarty for his land located at 4 Bennett Road.  The existing dwelling will remain on a 3.73 acre lot and the remaining 48.26 acres will be sold in fee to The Nature Conservancy.  In addition, the Board held a Conceptual Consultation with Matthew Crape, of 10 Pettee Brook Lane LLC, for the redevelopment of 6 Jenkins Court (formerly the Houghton’s Hardware building) for the redevelopment of the site with a new three-story mixed use building.  The Board also held a discussion on the Lamprey River Draft Instream Flow Report and granted two extensions for previously approved applications.



The Economic Development Committee met on Friday, February 13, 2009, to:  Receive an update on the presentation from the UNH class that will be performing a marketing study for the Town, continue its discussion on the list of possible projects for which the Town would like to use Federal stimulus money, receive an update by members of the EDC on their assignments for the Strategic Plan, and hold a discussion with Administrator Todd Selig on downtown development.



On Monday, February 16, 2009, the Durham Town Council will hold public hearings on the following two ordinances in the Council chambers at the Durham Town Hall: Ordinance #2009-01, amending Chapter 175 “Zoning”, Article XXIV “Septic Systems”, Section 175-139 and 175-40 of the Durham Town Code and Ordinance #2009-02, amending Chapter 4 “Administrative Code”, Article IV, Section 4-18(9)(a) of the Durham Town Code by reducing the number of Council representatives on the Economic Development Committee from two to one.


Questions regarding Ordinance #2009-01 should be addressed to Town Planner Jim Campbell at 868-8064. To view this ordinance, click HERE. Questions concerning Ordinance #2009-02 should be addressed to Administrator Todd Selig at 868-5571. To view this ordinance, click HERE. Interested citizens are encouraged to attend the public hearings and express their views.  Written comments will be accepted until 5:00 PM on Friday, February 13, 2009 at the Town Administrator’s office. Comments may also be sent by electronic mail to:  jberry@ci.durham.nh.us.



On Wednesday, March 4, 2009, at 7:00 PM, the Department of Public Works will hold a public informational meeting in the Council Chambers of the Durham Town Hall to present information about the Oyster River Dam and Mill Pond and discuss available options concerning deficiencies with the dam.  The inspection of the dam last fall revealed serious structural problems that need to be addressed. A memorandum that describes the problems and compares preliminary costs of rehabilitating or decommissioning the dam was prepared by the engineering firm who inspected the dam. To view this document, click HERE. The March 4th meeting will also be broadcast on Durham’s local cable channel, Channel 22.



The Durham Energy Committee (DEC) is developing a chapter on energy in the Durham Master Plan, and a comprehensive vision and strategy for the future.  As a follow-up to its first public “visioning” meeting held last November, the committee invites the public to once again share their ideas and vision at the next public “visioning” meeting to be held on Wednesday, February 18, 2009, at 7:00 PM in the Town Council chambers.  The committee will have on-hand the vision crafted from citizen’s comments in the November meeting and will invite additional feedback. Bill Schoonmaker will once again facilitate the meeting.  Come join the members of the DEC for continued conversations on how Durham can ensure its economic vitality and energy stability and reduce its environmental impact, focusing on: transportation, architecture/land use, and alternative energy. To view the DEC’s revised Energy Vision Statement, click HERE.



The following public meetings are scheduled for the coming week in the Town Council chambers at the Durham Town Office and will begin at 7:00 PM unless otherwise indicated below.


Town Council – Monday, February 16, 2009

Candidates Forum, hosted by DBA – Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Durham Energy Committee “visioning” meeting – Wednesday, February 18, 2009       

Parks and Recreation Committee – Thursday, February 19, 2009

Main Street West informational meeting – Friday, February 20, 2009  


To view the agendas for the meetings listed above, please click HERE.  All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing. 

To view the Oyster River School Board meeting schedule, click HERE. 

To view the Durham Public Library Board of Trustees meeting schedule, click HERE.



The following public meetings are scheduled for the coming week in the Town Council chambers at the Durham Town Office and will begin at 7:00 PM unless otherwise indicated below.


Town Council  – Monday, February 16, 2009       

Candidate’s Forum sponsored by the Durham Business Association – Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Durham Energy Committee – Public “Visioning” Meeting – Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Parks and Recreation Committee – Thursday, February 19, 2009

Main Street West Public Informational Meeting – Friday, February 20, 2009


To view the agendas for the meetings listed above, please click HERE.  All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing. 

To view the Oyster River School Board meeting schedule, click HERE. 

To view the Durham Public Library Board of Trustees meeting schedule, click HERE.



The Parks and Recreation Committee has the following suggestion for birdwatchers in Town – please click on the following link and have fun sharing your observations with other like-minded naturalists:  

http://www.nhbirdrecords.org/bird-conservation/backyard-winter-survey.htm The committee would also like to suggest some parks located within Town for great bird viewing beyond your back yard: Adams Point, Cedar Point, Colby Marsh, Jackson's Landing, Longmarsh Road, Mill Pond, Old Reservoir, Oyster River Landing, Wagon Hill Farm. Please visit the Parks and Recreation Committee’s website (link below) for locations and additional information.  Happy birding!


The Parks and Recreation Committee has a new brochure available with information regarding activities and facilities throughout the town.  They are available to pick up at the Town Hall or Durham Public Library.  You may also e-mail the committee at: parksandrec@ci.durham.nh.us with any questions or suggestions.  Please also check out the Parks and Recreation (soon to be updated) website: http://ci.durham.nh.us/community/recreation.html for additional information.



The month of March is “Red Cross Month”. The Great Bay Chapter of the American Red Cross services Durham, as well as other communities within the Great Bay region. Volunteers from across the region help by responding to disasters such as house fires or flooding, becoming instructors in CPR and First Aid and encouraging their friends and families to become trained, giving blood every 52 days, and assisting in the Red Cross Service to the Armed Forces program. During the December 2008 extended power outage, the Great Bay Chapter assisted the Town of Durham by staffing a shelter for families waiting for power to be restored to their homes. As the American Red Cross celebrates the month of March as “Red Cross Month”, we join in extending our sincere appreciation for the dedication provided by generations of Red Cross volunteers.



Parents of Oyster River High School's 2009 seniors are selling raffle tickets to raise funds for Project Graduation. Project Graduation is a parent-supervised event that provides seniors with a fun-filled, safe evening of activities to celebrate their high school graduation. Items for sale include:


·        Two month-long raffle calendars for $10 per calendar. Drawing dates are 2/18 for the February calendar; 3/18 for the March calendar.

·        Chances to win a beautiful jewel-tone handmade twin-size quilt made by a mother of one of the high school seniors - $5 for 1 chance, $10 for 3 chances.


Participants in this fund-raiser will be at Durham Marketplace on occasional weeknights, and at Market Basket in Lee on Saturday, March 14th. Raffle tickets can be obtained through committee co-chairs, Diane Gallant (coyotemesa@yahoo.com) and Sheila Harding (smdh@comcast.net).


Courtship Tea with Rita Parisi – Durham Public Library

Back by popular demand, on Saturday, February 14, 2009, from 2:00-3:30 PM, Rita Parisi will tell tales of how Mr. Gordon courted Mrs. Gordon in the 1890's. Enjoy tea and goodies while you listen to Mrs. Gordon's entertaining tales. What an appropriate and pleasant way to spend a wintery Valentine's Day. Seating will be limited, so please call the library at 868-6699 to register. This event is intended for ages 13 and up.


Seacoast Active Retirement Association General Meeting

The Active Retirement Association General Meeting will be held on Monday, February 16, 2009, at the Durham Evangelical Church at 1:30 P.M. The Speaker will be Kenneth Johnson, PhD, Senior Demographer, The Carsey Institute, UNH.  Learn how New Hampshire's population is changing and what that means for public policy, the economy, and the environment. Membership is open to all 50 and over.  The annual membership is $45.00. For more information, contact Beverly Johnson at (603) 868-1087 or visit the ARA website at: www.learn.unh.edu/ara



Realizing that few networking opportunities exist in the Durham area, Tastes of New England, a retailer, distributor, and promoter of New England-made products in Durham, will be hosting a Business After Hours event for area professionals at its retail store in Durham on Wednesday, February 18 from 5:30 – 8:00 PM, Attendees will be able to network with other area business professionals from Durham and surrounding towns. In addition, refreshments and snacks made from local specialty foods will be available. Tastes of New England is located at 7 Jenkins Court in Durham (next to Wings Your Way). RSVP is requested and can be made by calling owner Mary Reed at (603) 762-4155. Plenty of parking will be available. For more information or directions, visit www.tastesofnewengland.com.



Valentine Skate – skate with your sweetie!

            Saturday, February 14, 2009, 7:30-9:00 PM. FREE for all ages


Teen Skate Night

            Saturday, February 21, 2009, 7:30-9:00 PM, Cost:  $3.00


Public skating – times offered every day

Stick and Puck – Monday – Friday and Sunday

Pick Up Hockey – Monday – Friday and Sunday


For more information, call the rink at 868-3907, or visit our website at www.churchillrink.com


Avis Goodwin Community Health Center Banf Mountain Film Festival Event

On Wednesday, February 18, 2009, the Avis Goodwin Community Health Center, which provides integrated and comprehensive healthcare for residents within the Dover, Rochester, and Durham area, is sponsoring for the 13th year the “Banff Mountain Film Festival” to be held at the Whittemore Center on the UNH campus.  Doors will open at 5:00 PM to visit the expo, grab a bite, and mingle. The expo will also be available during intermission. Films start at 7:00 PM. This is a popular event filled with high adventure/extreme sports/mountain culture films.   For more information, go to http://www.whittemorecenter.com/.



“1893 – N.H. College of Agriculture and the Mechanic Arts, created under the Land Grant Act of 1862, was moved from Hanover. Four buildings had been constructed – Conant, Nesmith and Thompson Halls and the Shops . Three graduated the first year from a total student body of 64.”


Have a nice weekend, and a Happy Valentine’s Day!




Todd I. Selig, Administrator
Town of Durham
15 Newmarket Road
Durham, New Hampshire 03824
Tel (603) 868-5571
Fax (603) 868-5572


Our weekly “Friday Updates” provide updates and announcements concerning the community for interested individuals and we’ve now made it even easier to subscribe.  Please visit this link and fill out our new form to sign up.