Friday, January 23, 2009



Canada Goose landing in the Colby Marsh off of Longmarsh Road

Courtesy Matthew Carter


This week's Friday Updates begin with a recognition.  Durham Resident, Dr. Dennis Meadows, is the winner of this year’s Japan Prize from the Science and Technology Foundation of Japan for “Transformation towards a sustainable society in harmony with nature.” This prestigious award is given once a year to people from all parts of the world whose original and outstanding achievements in science and technology are recognized as having advanced the frontiers of knowledge and served the cause of peace and prosperity for humankind. It carries a cash award of 50 million yen (about $500,000) and will be awarded during a Japan Prize Awards week in April 2009.  For more information about the award, go to http://www.energybulletin.net/node/47800.  Congratulations, Dr. Meadows.


2008 Town Report

The 2008 Durham Annual Report has been delivered to the printer. Once the published reports are received from the printer, copies will be mailed out to property owners and will be available at the Town Clerk-Tax Collector’s Office and the Durham Public Library. In the meantime, residents can view the 2008 Annual Report on the Town web site by clicking on the following link: http://www.ci.durham.nh.us/DEPARTMENTS/admin/admin.html. The 2008 Annual Report, along with previous reports, is located on the far right side of this link. Production of the Annual Report is a major undertaking. A thank you is extended to all contributing writers, to Julian Smith for his editing skills, and to Administrative Assistant Jennie Berry who does yeoman’s work in pulling the publication together.


FY 2008 Unaudited General Fund Expenditures

The Town’s expenditures as of December 31, 2008 show a total expenditure of $10,519,343 or 99.9% of the total approved budget.  Although some departments show budget overages we can attribute these primarily to increased costs in the line of heating fuel, gasoline, and other energy costs.  All of our department’s are to be commended for their successful attempts to maintain the total budget by delaying or foregoing purchases altogether.


Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority Operations Meeting

In an effort to have the community become more involved with Amtrak Downeaster service to Durham and ways in which train service can support the vitality and economic development of our downtown area, the Administrator plans to attend an upcoming meeting of the Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority with representatives from UNH in Saco, Maine on January 27th.  Mr. Selig will take the train.


Meeting with N.H. Department of Revenue Administration Auditor Scheduled

On Wednesday of next week, Business Manager Gail Jablonski, Assessor Robb Dix, and Administrator Selig will meet with N.H. Department of Revenue Administration Auditor David Hynes to discuss Durham's 2008 revaluation.  Mr. Hynes is working to finalize his review of the process that was undertaken in Durham for last year.  To view Mr. Hynes's preliminary assessment provided to the Town in October 2008, click HERE.  For more information concerning the 2008 revaluation process, go to http://ci.durham.nh.us/DEPARTMENTS/assessing_office/2008.revaluation.info.html


Town Election, March 10, 2009    

The 2009 Town Election will be held on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 at the Oyster River High School.  Polling hours are from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM.  


Filing Period for Local Town Offices

The filing period for local elected offices opened on Wednesday of this week beginning at 8:00 AM. Residents have until 5:00 PM on Friday, January 30, 2009 to sign up for any of the elected offices. There is no longer a $1.00 filing fee required to sign up. Please do not hesitate to contact the Town Clerk’s Office to inquire about any of these important local elective positions at (603) 868-5571.  The Town and Oyster River Cooperative School District elections will be held on Tuesday, March 10, 2009 at the Oyster River High School Multipurpose Room from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Voters will park in reserved spaces along the front of the school and use the Multipurpose Room entrance. To date, citizens who have filed for Durham elected offices include:


Town Council - 3 positions (3-year terms)                                     Neil Niman

Library Board of Trustees - 2 positions (3-year terms)                 None

Trustee of Trust Funds - 1 position (3-year term)                          George Frick


In addition to elected offices, there are also two proposed Charter amendment changes included on this year’s ballot.


The first amendment, pertaining to Article 7 “Conduct of Officials”, Section 7.1 (C), proposes to strike current language that requires an elected official who is presently holding another elected or appointed position to immediately forfeit the office he/she held prior to such election. New Hampshire Supreme Court case Town of Hooksett v. Baines, 148 N.H. 625 (2002) precludes communities from imposing term limits on elected offices or imposing qualifications for elected offices.  Since the language in Section 7.1(C) of the Durham Town Charter is not enforceable and has not been practiced, it should be removed to avoid confusion in the future.


The second amendment, pertaining to Article 9 “Town Report”, Section 9.1, proposes to strike the current word “delivered” and replace it with the word “available”. In doing so, this will eliminate the current process of mailing annual Town Reports to individual property owners, resulting in a cost-savings to the Town. Instead, copies of annual Town Reports would be available at the Town Offices and the Durham Public Library as well as on the Town web site. The two amendments, as they will appear on the March 10, 2009 Town Election ballot, are as follows:


Strikethrough: Indicates language to be removed from the Charter.

Underline:        Indicates language to be added to the Charter.


Article 7 “Conduct of Officials”, Section 7.1 (C)

Sec. 7.1. Conditions for holding office.

A.   Any person while in town office convicted of a Class A felony in New Hampshire or its equivalent under the law of any other state or federal law shall forfeit such office.

B.   No full-time or regular employee of the town shall be eligible to serve as a Councilor.

C.  Any person elected to a town office or trusteeship while presently holding another such town office, board membership, commission membership or trusteeship shall immediately forfeit the office he held prior to such election.

  C.D.    Except as otherwise provided by this Charter, no department head nor regular employee of the town shall be appointed to a town office, board, membership, commission membership or trusteeship. They may, however, serve as advisors to such boards, committees or commissions.

  D.E. The Zoning Board of Adjustment shall not have any members who also serve on the Planning Board, Conservation Commission or Historic District Commission.


Reason for proposed change: New Hampshire Supreme Court case Town of Hooksett V. Baines, 148 N.H. 625 (2002) precludes communities from imposing term limits on elected offices or imposing qualifications for elected offices.  Since the language in Section 7.1 (C) of the Durham Town Charter is not enforceable and has not been practiced; it should be removed to avoid confusion in the future.



Article 9 “Town Report”, Section 9.1

Sec. 9.1.  Town Report. Each year, the Town Administrator shall prepare a Town Report which shall include:  (1) a statement of the past year's financial activities and a comparative statement of the previous and present budget; and (2) a review of all major Council actions, including a summary of ordinances enacted; and (3) Town vital statistics. There shall be a section which presents any actions which are in progress or pending before town boards or departments and the Town Council. The effective date of the Report shall be the end of the fiscal year, and the Report shall be delivered available to the voters of the town not later than February 15 of each year.


Reason for proposed change: To eliminate the process of mailing annual Town Reports to individual property owners, resulting in a cost-savings to the Town. Instead, copies of annual Town Reports would be available at the Town Offices and the Durham Public Library as well as on the Town web site.




The Oyster River Cooperative School District will hold is budget deliberative session on Tuesday, February 3, 2009 beginning at 7:00 PM in the Oyster River high school auditorium.


PSNH Smart Start Energy Grant Update – lighting retrofit at churchill rink

The Department of Public Works has finalized an energy grant with PSNH to replace all of the commercial lighting fixtures at the Churchill Rink at Jackson's Landing.  The current lamps will be replaced with new energy efficient fixtures.  The grant program is designed to use the immediate savings for electricity costs and roll them into the purchase and installation of the new lighting therefore offsetting all up front costs for the new fixtures. 


2009 Road Program Bids

As stated last week, the Department of Public Works opened up the 2009 road paving bids with the lowest bidder at $82/ton.  Last year’s price was $57.98/ton, having increased $24.02/ton this year. At these prices, there will have to be an adjustment in the planned scope of work due to the very large increase in the paving costs this year.  After further review by the Public Works Department and discussions with the Town Administrator and Business Office, the department will be rejecting all bids opened a few weeks ago and will re-bid the package with a new scope of work in the spring. This decision will hopefully allow us to take advantage of more competitive pricing reflective of reduced oil costs.


Wiswall Fish Passage Meeting

This evening, January 23, 2009, beginning at 7:00 PM at the Durham Town Hall, the Department of Public Works and the USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) will hold a scoping meeting for the proposed Wiswall Fish Passage project on Lamprey River.  The purpose of the meeting is to present information about the proposed site, discuss ecological benefits, review technical and other issues associated with various fish passage options, and to solicit individuals and parties interested in participating in the project’s development.  Please call Town Engineer David Cedarholm at (603) 868-5578 with any questions regarding this project.


Looking for partners in a community garden effort  - grow your own vegetables

Some Durham residents would like to create a community garden plot on a piece of land inside the town. It would let several dozen families each have a small private plot for growing vegetables. The rent would be nominal; fencing, water, toilets, and many tools would be provided.  As part of the planning process, Dennis Meadows would like to contact anyone who has ever used a community garden plot, in order to find out the best and the worst features of other projects. And he would like to hear from anyone who would like to participate in a community garden project inside Durham. You can contact Dennis without making any commitments at lataillede@aol.com.



The members of the Parks and Recreation Committee are sponsoring hot chocolate at Wagon Hill on Sunday, February 8, 2009, from 1:00 to 3:00 PM.  Come join them for a warm beverage up by the wagon!  You are welcome to bring any food or snacks to share with other community members, but that certainly is not required.  Come enjoy this fantastic Town property during the winter.


The Parks and Recreation Committee has a new brochure available with information regarding activities and facilities throughout the town.  They are available to pick up at the Town Hall or Durham Public Library.  You may also e-mail the committee at: parksandrec@ci.durham.nh.us with any questions or suggestions.  Please also check out the Parks and Recreation (soon to be updated) website: http://ci.durham.nh.us/community/recreation.html for additional information.


Durham: It’s Where U Live Community Scholarship

Durham: It’s Where U Live (DIWUL) brings members of the University and Durham communities together to increase rapport and respect. It serves as an umbrella theme that reflects a cooperative effort on the part of the University and the Town to continue building mutual appreciation. DIWUL believes that motivating and recognizing UNH students and their good work within the broader community are critical to the long-term well-being of our community as a whole. DIWUL is therefore proud to offer the DIWUL Community Scholarship. This scholarship recognizes outstanding community involvement, employment, and/or leadership in University of New Hampshire students and helps them reach their academic goals.  One $500 scholarship will be awarded annually. February 15 is the nomination deadline.



The Seacoast Lyme Disease Support Group, held at the Durham Public Library, will be taking a winter break during the months of February and March and will resume again on the second Tuesday of each month from April through October.


Durham Public Library Parenting Book Group

On the second Tuesday of each month beginning February 10, 2009 from 10:30-11:30 AM, Ellen Rondina, Extension Educator with UNH Cooperative Extension, will facilitate a free book group for parents to discuss Scott Brown's How to Negotiate with Kids - Even When You Think You Shouldn't.   Bring your young children for the Library's Storytime while you attend the group.  Copies of the book will be available at the circulation desk.  Please read the first chapter before the first meeting.



The following public meetings are scheduled for the coming week in the Town Council chambers at the Durham Town Office and will begin at 7:00 PM unless otherwise indicated below.


Town Council – Monday, January 26, 2009

Planning Board – Wednesday, January 23, 2009


To view the agendas for the meetings listed above, please click HERE.  All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing. 

To view the Oyster River School Board meeting schedule, click HERE. 

To view the Durham Public Library Board of Trustees meeting schedule, click HERE.


Churchill Rink

January Events

Adult only Skate Night:  Saturday, January 24, 2009, 7:30-9:00 PM, Cost:  $5.00


Public skating - times offered every day

Stick and Puck – Monday – Friday and Sunday

Pick Up Hockey – Monday – Friday and Sunday


For more information, call the rink at 868-3907, or visit our website at www.churchillrink.org



Tastes of New England, a retail store on Jenkins Court in Durham (next to Wings Your Way), has added a cooking school. They have partnered with The Inn at Spruce Wood, a senior living community to offer a cooking school for home cooks desiring to create quick, healthy meals and appetizers while making use of local ingredients. Courses will take place at the Inn at Spruce Wood. The 2-hour monthly, evening courses will cover seasonal, rotating topics and includes dinner and a gift bag. The Winter/Spring, 2009 schedule kicks-off with a chocolate dessert extravaganza in recognition of Valentine’s Day and concludes with quick and easily Memorial Day dishes. For the schedule of classes visit http://www.tastesofnewengland.com/events.html or call (603) 868-1202.



“1880 – Body of Peter Duvall, employed as woodchopper, was found in Horn’s Woods by small girls. His companion, Otis, was tried in Dover, sentenced to 30 years hard labor, but paroled in 1906 for good behavior. Local folks resented his sentence and “thought he should dance on hemp.”


Have a nice weekend.




Todd I. Selig, Administrator
Town of Durham
15 Newmarket Road
Durham, New Hampshire 03824
Tel (603) 868-5571
Fax (603) 868-5572


Our weekly “Friday Updates” provide updates and announcements concerning the community for interested individuals and we’ve now made it even easier to subscribe.  Please visit this link and fill out our new form to sign up.