Wednesday, December 24, 2008

New Hampshire officially broke the yearly precipitation record at 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, December 21, 2008. These numbers include rain and melted snow and show numbers in Concord that date back to 1870.  The top five precipitation years are as follows: 1) 57.39" (2008 so far); 2) 57.28" (2005); 3) 55.25" (2006); 4) 54.33" (1888); 5) 50.05" (1897). 


Christmas Holiday Recycling and Refuse Collection

There will be NO COLLECTION of recyclables or refuse on Christmas Day.  Residents whose refuse and recyclables are normally collected on Thursdays are asked to please put their items out by 7:00 AM on Friday the 26th instead.  There will be NO COLLECTION of commercial recycling collection on Friday, December 26th.




Durham Town Offices

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Early closing at 3:00 PM

Thursday, December 25, 2008      


Friday, December 26, 2008


Mon-Wed, December 29-31, 2008

Open – 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Friday, January 2, 2009

Open – 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM


Durham Public Library

Wednesday, December 24, 2008    

Early closing at 2:00 PM

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Friday, December 26, 2008


Saturday, December 27, 2008

Open – 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Early closing at 5:00 PM

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Friday, January 2, 2009

Open – 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM


Durham Submits List of Potential Projects for Federal Stimulus Package

In response to a request from Senator Elect Shaheen's office to the N.H. Municipal Association (Local Government Center), the Public Works Department has submitted a list of Durham public projects that could potentially be included as part of the Federal economic stimulus package being developed in Washington, D.C. by lawmakers. A copy of this can be accessed by clicking HERE.


Fire Department Warns of Building Collapse Danger

Due to this week's heavy snow with rain in the forecast it becomes very important to clear roofs of snow and ice that has accumulated.  A roof may collapse with little or no warning, and one common misconception is that only flat roofs are susceptible to collapse.  Residents are advised to take the following steps to mitigate the danger of a roof collapse:





UNH AIRMAP Web Cams On Line for Viewing

The University of New Hampshire AIRMAP Program now has in place a new air mapping tower on UNH property near the Highland House off Bennett Road in Durham. Atop the AIRMAP tower are four web cams, one each pointing North, South, East, and West.  The images are updated every 15 minutes and available for viewing courtesy of the University of New Hampshire's Climate Change Research Center (the AIRMAP program www.airmap.unh.edu).  The purpose of the web cams are to provide the public with a network of cameras at each of the AIRMAP observatories that will encourage community members to view the AIRMAP web pages and learn more about the impacts of air quality.  Below are four links to views each direction. 



State Senator Amanda Merrill of Durham Meets with Local Town/City Managers to Discuss Issues of Concern

A meeting was held last Friday, December 19, 2008, at the Rochester County Club organized by District 21 Senator Amanda Merrill and District 6 Senator Jackie Cilley to get a feel for what issues most concern the local governments that they represent in Concord.  Five City and Town Managers participated in the discussion including John Scruton of Rochester, Mike Joyal of Dover, Todd Selig of Durham, Carol Reilly of Barrington, and Charlie Brown of Nottingham.  A primary concern for town and city managers was how budget cuts at the state level would impact municipal revenues and costs, especially pertaining to education and infrastructure.  All seemed to agree the largest challenge facing municipalities is costs being "downshifted" from the state and county levels and onto municipal budgets.  Other concerns included loss of municipal and school revenue in areas such as state highway funds, education funds, and bridge aid.  The impact of financial challenges within the N.H. Retirement System was also noted as an area of concern for public employers.   


Durham/UNH Receive Additional Funds for Main Street-West Improvements

As part of the Town of Durham's 10-year Capital Improvement Plan, a total of $491,151 ($49,000 Durham, $49,000 UNH, $392,921 Federal grant funds) is budgeted for planned enhancements to Main Street, west of the R.R. tracks, to include a new road surface, drainage improvements, sidewalk/multi-use path, shoulder construction, re-striping, and signage along approximately 1.1 miles of roadway approaching downtown Durham and the UNH campus.   The New Hampshire Department of Transportation Technical Advisory Committee (TEAC) for various roadway improvement grant projects approved a UNH/Durham request to increase our project budget to $970,000.  This additional scope of work will include lighting improvements as well as a roundabout in the vicinity of the old "Loop Road" near the UNH outdoor tennis courts adjacent to the Field House.  This is very positive news for the project.


Leawood Orchard Property

The University of New Hampshire has received 10 submissions on their Request for Information (RFI) that was sent out for the possible construction of faculty, junior faculty, and graduate student housing off Mast Road.  UNH will be reviewing these submissions to determine next steps relative to this project.


Durham Professional Firefighters Association Donates $1,200 to N.H. Food Bank

This winter, the Durham Professional Firefighters donated $1,200 to the New Hampshire Food Bank.  The money was raised through a 50/50 raffle held at the New England Dragway.  When the winner did not come forward to claim their prize, the Durham Firefighters donated the money to the New Hampshire Food Bank.  The donation will pay for 4,800 meals for the hungry.


Power Outage Update

PSNH has been working to restore service to its customers across New Hampshire. While most properties in Durham had power restored by last Sunday, it is anticipated that 99.9% of customers in N.H. will have power back on by midnight tonight. Given the damage that was done to the system, and the snow that accumulated on the ground over this past weekend, there could be some areas where debris or materials were left on the ground.  Please be on the lookout for any residual electrical equipment that may have been left on the ground. In particular, please contact PSNH immediately if you see any transformers on the ground, or any tangled wires that could cause a safety hazard. It is helpful to PSNH when you call if you are able to provide the road name and, if possible, the number of the pole that is closest to the material. The PSNH customer assistance number is 1-800-662-7764.


Notice of Oyster River Cooperative School District Budget Hearing

The Oyster River Cooperative School District will hold a public hearing on the proposed 2009-2010 school budget in Room C124 at the Oyster River High School on Wednesday, January 14, 2009, beginning at 7:00 p.m.  The snow date is Thursday, January 15, 2009, in the same location.



There are no public meetings scheduled for the week of December 29, 2008 – January 2, 2009


Coupons for the needy
Put those newspaper coupon inserts that you toss in your recycling bin to better use! Look for the specially-marked box by the Transfer Station’s “Mixed Paper” dumpster. Drop your SmartSource, Redplum, P&G and Rite-Aid inserts into the slot and know that you’ll be providing for someone who could use a helping hand. A Durham resident collects the coupons to shop for local homeless and family shelters.



Public skating - times offered every day

Stick and Puck – Monday – Friday and Sunday

Pick Up Hockey – Monday – Friday and Sunday


Call the rink for times:  868-3907, or visit our new website at www.churchillrink.org



“1851 – J. Richardson, E. Thompson, S. Demeritt, W. Chesley and associates became incorporated as the Durham Historic Association, authorized to hold personal and real estate valued to $3,000 as enacted N.H. Laws, 1848-52, Chapter 1197, pp 1151-1152. This is the only known record.”


Happy Holidays!




Todd I. Selig, Administrator
Town of Durham
15 Newmarket Road
Durham, New Hampshire 03824
Tel (603) 868-5571
Fax (603) 868-5572


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