September 12, 2008



The Captain Adams gundalow docked at Wagon Hill Farm

Courtesy The Gundalow Company


After three years of absence, the Town is pleased to welcome back the Captain Adams gundalow to its Durham Day event to be held this Sunday, September 14th at Wagon Hill Farm from 12:30 to 4:30 PM. Tours of the gundalow will be conducted throughout the day. A gundalow is a shallow-drafted type of cargo ship that was once common in the Gulf of Maine’s rivers and estuaries. The gundalow reached its highest state of evolution in the Great Bay of New Hampshire and Maine in the late 1800s. In 2002, the Malcolm J. and Charlotte Chase family presented the Town of Durham with two framed architectural sketches of the Fanny M. gundalow drawn by S.F. Manning, an internationally known artist of maritime themes. These sketches are on display in the Town Hall lobby. The Captain Adams pictured above is an accurate reproduction of the 1886 launched Fanny M. To learn more about Captain Edward H. Adams and the history of this interesting sailing vessel, please visit the The Gundalow Company website at www.gundalow.org.



The Durham Town Council has formed the Durham Energy Committee to advise the community on ways to reduce energy use, develop alternative energy sources, and increase the economic security and energy independence of the town. Recently, the Durham Planning Board requested the Energy Committee draft a chapter of the Master Plan to steer the actions of the town with respect to energy. A critical component of developing any aspect of the Master Plan is public input and public involvement. The Plan needs to represent the residents of the Town of Durham. There are two ways to be involved. One is to join the subcommittee as the Master Plan is developed over the ensuing months. Please contact Kevin Gardner (kevin.gardner@unh.edu), Chair of the Energy Committee, to volunteer in this regard. The second is to attend the three planned public hearings to provide your input. The first public hearing is scheduled for September 23, 2008 7:00 – 8:30 PM in the Durham Town Council chambers. Join us for a conversation on how Durham can ensure its economic vitality and energy stability and reduce its environmental impact. It is a critical time in our nation’s and town’s history, and it is incumbent upon us to face the challenges associated with energy use and climate change and plan for a more sustainable future. The Durham Energy Committee also has one vacancy and invites interested town residents to apply.


Durham Conservation Commission – Naturalist-Led Walk Around Wagon Hill Farm at Durham Day  

Join the Durham Conservation Commission and the Land Protection Working Group on a naturalist-led walk around Wagon Hill at Durham Day on September 14th and learn more about the many treasures that nature has bestowed on this beautiful town-owned property. Malin Clyde, Durham resident and natural resource professional, will lead walks at 1:30 and 2:30.  The walk will be on easy terrain and will take approximately 45 minutes.  Wear appropriate footgear and insect repellant.  Birders may also want to bring their binoculars.  Meet at the Durham Conservation Commission display table at the walk time of your choice. 



On Friday, September 26, 2008, beginning at 9:00 AM a site walk has been scheduled for members of the Durham Town Council relative to the idea of placing a metal sculpture at the Lorus and Margery Milne property. The property is located on Mill Road, across from Chesley Drive and next to Mill Pond Park. Public Works Director Mike Lynch will set up a cardboard cut out at the property in order for those present to envision what the actual sculpture would look like, as well as where it will be placed. Interested members of the community are also invited to participate in the site walk and provide feedback on the idea.



Today the Department of Public Works will be opening the bids for the Mill Pond Road water line replacement project.  There is strong contractor interest in this project with 14 different contractors picking up bid packages.  We feel the increased interest is a reflection of the current economy.  Bids will be opened at 2:00 PM and results will be reported in next week’s “Friday Updates”. 



The Department of Public Works started work on the Jackson's Landing master project this week.  The first item being worked on is the new parking lot on the north side of the property. 



The final treatments of the 2008 road program should be completed today with shoulder gravel backup being installed.  There may be some minor touchups left but otherwise today's work should complete the project.  Thanks to all the folks on roads that received treatment for their cooperation and patience. 


Tree City USA

The Town of Durham has been named a Tree City USA town for the 30th consecutive year. We are proud to hold the record for the longest running recipient of the Tree City Award in the State of New Hampshire.  The Tree City USA award is a national awards program that recognizes towns and cities across the United States with a documented commitment to an outstanding, comprehensive urban forestry program. The awards program is sponsored by the National Arbor Day Foundation, the US Forest Service, and the National Association of State Foresters. There are over 3000 Tree City USA communities in the United States. A small celebration and formal presentation of the award is tentatively scheduled for Thursday, October 16, 2008 at 4:00 PM at the Dorothy Wilcox Memorial Garden located in the area of Old Landing Park adjacent to Newmarket Road. Governor John Lynch will be in attendance to present the award to the Town. All interested citizens are invited to attend this event.



A final reminder that the annual Household Hazardous Waste Day will be held this Saturday, September 13th at the Department of Public Works facility located at 100 Stone Quarry.  As in the past, all hazardous waste will be collected by appointment only.  Please remember that the maximum collected per resident is five gallons. 



The Town of Durham, through the Planning & Community Development Department, has received a grant totaling $9,000 from the NH Housing Finance Authority through the Inclusionary Zoning Implementation Program (IZIP).  This grant will be used in an effort to help Durham develop provisions to allow for Workforce/Affordable Housing.  There is no match required from the Town for the grant.  The New Hampshire Legislature passed a workforce housing bill, SB342, which requires municipalities in New Hampshire to provide opportunities for developers to develop workforce housing in a majority of the land where residential uses are permitted.  By adopting an inclusionary zoning ordinance a municipality may fulfill its obligations under SB342.  The law goes into effect on July 1, 2009.  The Town Council will be holding a public hearing on the grant at its meeting on Monday, September 22, 2008.



The Durham Police want to remind citizens that door-to-door salespersons must have a permit from the Town to do so.  There is no requirement for any resident to speak to a salesperson at their door but when queried, the salesperson must have the permit in hand and show it upon request.  If the salesperson does not have a permit in hand, you should advise them to leave and notify the Durham Police immediately by calling 868-2324.  Please be prepared to convey a description of people, vehicle/s, and direction of travel if at all possible. Citizens are also reminded that telephone calls from banks and/or other financial entities are almost always suspect. One such incident was reported whereupon answering the telephone one resident heard a recording that stated the call was about his vehicle warranty.  When a live person finally came on the line and asked what year and make his vehicle was, this resident had the forethought to say, “If you are calling me about my warranty, why don’t you know what kind of vehicle I own?”  Upon which the so-called “warranty specialist” immediately disconnected confirming the illegal nature of the call.  Residents are reminded NEVER to give personal information to anyone portraying themselves to be from any financial institution.  If by some rare chance the caller states they are from an institution that in fact you do business with, hang up and call your local bank as no reputable institution would conduct business of this nature over the telephone.  



The following public meetings are scheduled for the coming week in the Town Council chambers at the Durham Town Office and will begin at 7:00 PM unless otherwise indicated below.


Durham Town Council – Monday, September 15, 2008 (Work session on FY 2009 Budget)

DCAT Governance Committee – Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Parks and Recreation Committee – Thursday, September 18, 2008


To view an agenda for the meetings listed above, please click HERE.  All meetings recorded on DCAT are available on DVD at the Durham Public Library for checkout and viewing.



ü      Using the washer-dryer and the dishwasher only when full and using the “Energy Saver” setting reduces energy and carbon emissions.

ü      Buying locally-grown produce and meats not only reduces your energy and carbon emissions, it reduces the energy and emissions needed to grow and transport the food as well- AND you’re supporting local agriculture!


Durham Historic Association Annual Meeting

On Wednesday, September 24, 2008, from 7:00-800 PM, the Durham Historic Association (DHA)  will present “The History of Wiswall Mills - Economic Center of 19th Century Durham" with guest speaker Nadine Peterson from the NH Division of Historic Resources. The program will be held at the Durham Public Library located at the Mill Plaza. Prior to the program, the DHA will conduct its annual business meeting from 6:30-7:00 PM and asks that as many DHA members as possible attend the meeting.



The Durham Historic Association will have a number of historic items from their museum on display at the Durham Day Picnic on September 14th.  The Association will have for sale the "Durham, Then and Now" jigsaw puzzle, the Durham afghan, and several books and pamphlets on Durham's history. Please drop by their table to learn more about Durham's past.



“Let Your Light Shine” – A Special Night with the Rock My Soul Gospel Choir will be held on Saturday, September 20, 2008 beginning at 7:30 PM at the Durham Community Church, 17 Main Street, Durham. Light hors d'oeuvre, chocolate fountain & dessert reception will be available, as well as an opportunity to meet and greet Rock My Soul. In addition, a silent auction with must-have items and a gala concert with special guests and new surprises will be offered. Reception and concert:  $25.00 per individual or $40 per couple - Concert only $15 - Reception: 6:00 PM - Concert: 7:30 PM. Tickets available online at www.gospelmusicproject.org or call 207-450-8016. Proceeds to go toward the Gospel Music Project's charitable outreach program, where music is performed free for those in hospice, rehab programs, and other facilities that serve people in need.


Weekly Police Arrest Report

Week – 43                                           28 UNH (65%)             15 Other (35%)

*2008/09 Academic Year -59             40 UNH (68%)             19 Other (32%)

Calendar Year –574                            317 UNH (55%)           257 Other (45%)


*Commenced September 1, 2008 


Historical Data for the same week











Academic Year





Calendar Year








“1817 – ‘To Joseph Richardson, Dr. – To expences of his Excelency James Munroe Esq. President of the United States of America with Selectmen and other Gentlemen€$30,000.’  Pres. Munroe was on a tour of the country, traveling by chaise, and stopped here at noon between Dover and Concord.”


Have a nice weekend.




Todd I. Selig, Administrator
Town of Durham
15 Newmarket Road
Durham, New Hampshire 03824
Tel (603) 868-5571
Fax (603) 868-5572


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